We are seeking volunteers to join our team. We want to work with creators and scholars who are educated and trained in the field of creative writing.
If you have earned a Ph.D. in Literature, or have passed your field exams, and you believe in the importance of the role of the author in creating literature, join us. Please send us your CV along with a cover letter indicating your interest. SQN Board Members work with the Executive Team to review scholarly and creative works in preparation for publication.
If you have earned an M.A., M.F.A. or Ph.D. in literature or creative writing and would like to help us in reviewing creative works for publication, we would love to hear from you. If you are an auto-didact, and have publication credits, feel free to submit as well, but please provide details regarding your experience in creative writing. Please send us your CV along with a cover letter indicating your interest.
If you meet any of the above criteria, we'd love to hear from you!
Sine Qua Non